Thursday, October 20, 2005

Concepts of Wealth

Wealth is a concept given different meaning in different times in different cycles of the world civilization. Man through out the ages has made the cultural cotextual conceputualisations of many impossible to define concepts like identity or difference, or infinity of the universe, concepts which the Constructists like Buddha, Lao Tzu and Narajuna refused to be drawn on, Shumpeter devotes some apects of his his musing about Marxs works on the subject. The Objectivists like Schumpter and Rand The eastern paths had a notion of emptiness and applied it to all concepts being empty of meaning, emptiness is an antidote to grasping for unrealizable concepts . Wealth has a similar position as unrealisable concept in that it means different things to each individual and epoch.

The way "we" as human beings obejectivise our own concepts as " things" rather than evolving ideas is at the heart of evolution toward wisdom . What do you think ?


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